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Sign up with Jetts today and receive a $0 Joining Fee PLUS a FREE Training Program!* With no lock-in contracts, there’s no reason to wait!
I joined Jetts Kawana about 6 months ago, and I couldn’t be happier! The staff just make it a place you look forward to going to, they are so friendly and helpful! The Personal Training programs offered are the best I’ve ever used. I have joined sev...
Carnie Howting
Nikki Chalupa
My sons has been enjoying the facilities at Jetts for the past year and 1/2. The staff have been fabulous, easy to deal with and always happy to answer questions. Brandon has been quick to respond to any emails from holding membership and any ques...
Nikki Chalupa
Ace Frog
Awesome gym - clean and well staffed !
Ace Frog
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